GilletteLabs with Exfoliating Bar by Gillette is the world’s first razor with exfoliating technology built into the handle—for effortless shaving in one efficient stroke. The innovative men’s razor makes shaving fast and effortless by removing dirt and debris before the blades pass for a smooth shave that's quick and easy. The razor handle is built with precision engineering and the handle is backed by lifetime warranty*. 2D FlexDisc technology contours to your face to ensure comfort and contact with every stroke. Featuring Gillette's best razor blades, this razor for men is designed for a quick and easy shave. When you’re finished shaving, put your razors into its premium magnetic stand that keeps your razor clean, dry and ready to use. Use with GilletteLabs razor blade refills which are compatible with both the GilletteLabs with Exfoliating Bar and the GilletteLabs Heated Razor gift set. This razor comes with a travel case for convenient storage and protection on the go. The perfect gift for men, this razor represents the next evolution in male shaving. Feel the difference.
Get blades delivered directly to your door. Simply choose your favorite razor, set a delivery schedule and enjoy your shave. You can update your blades or frequency, pause your deliveries or cancel anytime from within your Account.
When you sign up for a Gillette shave plan, you buy three and get one free. For every 4th subscription order, you'll get a credit. Credits are awarded for each unique subscription plan, and the value is equal to the lowest of the previous 3 subscription orders (including taxes).
Recevez vos lames directement à la maison. Choisissez simplement votre rasoir préféré, planifiez l’horaire de livraison et profitez de votre rasage. Vous pouvez mettre à jour le choix de vos lames ou la fréquence de livraison, suspendre les livraisons ou annuler en tout temps à partir de votre compte.
En vous inscrivant à un abonnement de rasage Gillette, vous en obtenez un gratuit à l’achat de trois. Pour chaque 4e commande d’abonnement, vous recevrez un crédit. Les crédits sont remis pour chaque abonnement unique et leur valeur correspond au total le moins élevé des 3 commandes précédentes (incluant les taxes).